What are the different JIRA hosting options?

/ jira

The three hosting options Atlassian offers is JIRA Cloud, JIRA Server, and JIRA Data Center.

JIRA Cloud: With Jira Cloud, Atlassian hosts and sets up the Jira site in the cloud. This is generally the best option for teams who want to get started quickly and easily, and for teams who don't want to manage the technical complexity of hosting themselves.

JIRA Server: With Jira Server, teams host Jira Software on their own hardware and customize the setup however they like. This is generally the best option for teams who need to manage all the details, have stricter requirements for data governance, and don't mind the additional complexity of hosting themselves. This was the option we ran at 14 West before switching to Data Center.

JIRA Data Center: With Jira Software Data Center, teams can host Jira Software on their own hardware or with IaaS vendors like AWS and Azure. This is generally the best option for enterprise teams who need uninterrupted access to Jira Software and performance at scale. This is the hosting option we currently use at 14 West. This has led to better performance along with 0 downtime.

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